MMSE Test English



Conducting this test depends on a person who does not suffer from Alzheimer’s symptoms, who asks the following questions to the case and decides for himself whether the answers to the case are correct or incorrect.

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Part A) Temporal awareness:
Q1 : What is the Year Now ?

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Part A) Temporal awareness:
Q2 : What is the Season Now ?

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Part A) Temporal awareness:
Q3 : What is the Day of the week Now ?

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Part A) Temporal awareness:
Q4 : What is the Month Now ?

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Part A) Temporal awareness:
Q5 : What is the Date Today ?

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Part B) Spatial awareness:
Q6 : What country are we in now ?

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Part B) Spatial awareness:
Q7 : What governate are we in now?

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Part B) Spatial awareness:
Q8 : What city are we in now?

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Part B) Spatial awareness:
Q9 : What is ( The House number/Name of the Hospital ) we are in now ?

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Part B) Spatial awareness:
Q10 : What floor number are we on now ?

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Part C) Memory:
Q11 : I will tell you 3 words and I want you to repeat them 3 times
Remember them because I will come back to them later
( Table - Apple - Pen )

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Part D) Attention and calculation:
Q12 : Start counting down from 100 and each time subtract 3 numbers until I ask you to stop.
** Answers are ( 100 - 97 - 94 - 91 - 88 - 86 )

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Part E) Memory power:
Q13 : Ask case to remember the 3 words you said to him in Question No. 11
No help is allowed for him, and he is only given 10 seconds to answer.

13) ** Answers are ( Table - Apple - Pen ).

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Part F) Naming:
Q14 : Show the case a Watch and a Mobile phone and ask him what are these things names ?
Give him 20 seconds to answer both names

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Part G) Hearing and memory:
Q15 : Listen carefully and then repeat my words :
" No ifs, ands, or buts "

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Part H) Understanding oral language:
Q16 : Ask the case to do everything you tell him, but on the condition that you only move your lips and do not make any sound or signal.
1- Take the paper from the desk with your right hand

16) 2- fold it in half

3- and put it on the floor

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Part H) Understanding oral language:
Q17 : Ask the case to do everything you tell him, but on the condition that you only move your lips and do not make any sound or signal.
2- Fold the paper in half

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Part H) Understanding oral language:
Q18 : Ask the case to do everything you tell him, but on the condition that you only move your lips and do not make any sound or signal.
3- Throw the paper in the trash

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Part I ) Understanding what has been read :
Q19 : Show the case a piece of paper that says “Close your eyes” and ask him to do what he just read

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Part J ) The ability to write :
Q20 : Give the case a pen and paper and ask him to write the sentence “I am a human being.”

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Part H ) The ability to Copy :
Q21 : Give the case a pen and paper and ask him to copy this figure onto the paper with him

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