MMSE Test English 0% 123456789101112131415161718192021 MMSE (MINI-MENTAL STATE EXAMINATION) - English Conducting this test depends on a person who does not suffer from Alzheimer’s symptoms, who asks the following questions to the case and decides for himself whether the answers to the case are correct or incorrect. GenderMaleFemaleEducation LevelPrimary SchoolPreparatory SchoolSecondary SchoolUniversity StudentBachelor DegreeMaster DegreePhD Degree 1 / 21 1) Part A) Temporal awareness: Q1 : What is the Year Now ? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 2 / 21 2) Part A) Temporal awareness: Q2 : What is the Season Now ? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 3 / 21 3) Part A) Temporal awareness: Q3 : What is the Day of the week Now ? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 4 / 21 4) Part A) Temporal awareness: Q4 : What is the Month Now ? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 5 / 21 5) Part A) Temporal awareness: Q5 : What is the Date Today ? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 6 / 21 6) Part B) Spatial awareness: Q6 : What country are we in now ? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 7 / 21 7) Part B) Spatial awareness: Q7 : What governate are we in now? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 8 / 21 8) Part B) Spatial awareness: Q8 : What city are we in now? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 9 / 21 9) Part B) Spatial awareness: Q9 : What is ( The House number/Name of the Hospital ) we are in now ? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 10 / 21 10) Part B) Spatial awareness: Q10 : What floor number are we on now ? A) Correct Answer B) Wrong Answer 11 / 21 11) Part C) Memory: Q11 : I will tell you 3 words and I want you to repeat them 3 times Remember them because I will come back to them later ( Table - Apple - Pen ) A) Remembered 3 words B) Remembered 2 words C) Remembered 1 word D) Didn't remember any word 12 / 21 12) Part D) Attention and calculation: Q12 : Start counting down from 100 and each time subtract 3 numbers until I ask you to stop. ** Answers are ( 100 - 97 - 94 - 91 - 88 - 86 ) A) Calculated 5 correct numbers B) Calculated 4 correct numbers C) Calculated 3 correct numbers D) Calculated 2 correct numbers E) Calculated 1 correct number F) Did not calculate any number correctly 13 / 21 Part E) Memory power: Q13 : Ask case to remember the 3 words you said to him in Question No. 11 No help is allowed for him, and he is only given 10 seconds to answer. 13) ** Answers are ( Table - Apple - Pen ). A) Remembered 3 words B) Remembered 2 words C) Remembered 1 word D) Didn't remember any word 14 / 21 14) Part F) Naming: Q14 : Show the case a Watch and a Mobile phone and ask him what are these things names ? Give him 20 seconds to answer both names A) He could name BOTH of them B) He could name ONLY ONE of them C) He couldn't name either of them 15 / 21 15) Part G) Hearing and memory: Q15 : Listen carefully and then repeat my words : " No ifs, ands, or buts " A) Can say it correctly B) Couldn't say it right 16 / 21 Part H) Understanding oral language: Q16 : Ask the case to do everything you tell him, but on the condition that you only move your lips and do not make any sound or signal. 1- Take the paper from the desk with your right hand 16) 2- fold it in half 3- and put it on the floor A) 3 steps B) 2 C) 1 17 / 21 17) Part H) Understanding oral language: Q17 : Ask the case to do everything you tell him, but on the condition that you only move your lips and do not make any sound or signal. 2- Fold the paper in half A) He could understand the sentence B) He couldn't understand the sentence 18 / 21 18) Part H) Understanding oral language: Q18 : Ask the case to do everything you tell him, but on the condition that you only move your lips and do not make any sound or signal. 3- Throw the paper in the trash A) He could understand the sentence B) He couldn't understand the sentence 19 / 21 19) Part I ) Understanding what has been read : Q19 : Show the case a piece of paper that says “Close your eyes” and ask him to do what he just read A) Was able to implement what he read B) Couldn't implement what he read 20 / 21 20) Part J ) The ability to write : Q20 : Give the case a pen and paper and ask him to write the sentence “I am a human being.” A) Was able to write the sentence B) Was NOT able to write the sentence 21 / 21 21) Part H ) The ability to Copy : Q21 : Give the case a pen and paper and ask him to copy this figure onto the paper with him A) Able to draw the figure B) Was NOT able to draw the figure Your score is 0%